
The temperature data coverage rate of Eurasia

The animation shows the temperature data coverage rate of Eurasia until the present.
Furthermore, you can see that in the world, there are only 116 weather stations are able to show temperature change from Jan 1880 to July 2019.

(Note: these little red circles show the locations of weather stations.
the numbers at the upper right are the number of the stations on a global scale)

動画 Eurasia weather stations coverage from 1879 to July 2019.gif

Click the link to see the enlarged image.

Map: NASA https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/station_data_v3/


North America
動画 North America weather stations coverage from 1879 to July 2019.gif

Click the link to see the enlarged image.

posted by @KiryeNet at 01:13| Animation | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


North America Temperature Data Map (GHCN V3 Unadjusted data) via @KiryeNet

You can see the number of the worldwide weather stations and the temperature data coverage rate of North America every 10 years, last year and so far this year during the period from around 1880 until the present on the animation from the V3 Unadjusted data.

動画 North America V3 unadjusted map 1979 to July 2019.gif

Click the link to see the enlarged image.

Map: NASA https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/station_data_v3/


These little red circles show the locations of Eurasia weather stations.
The number of stations reached a peak in 1970 and have been declining since then.
(Note: the numbers at the upper right are the number of the stations on a global scale)

動画 Eurasia V3 unadjusted map 1879 to July 2019.gif

Click the link to see the enlarged image.

Map: NASA https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/station_data_v3/

posted by @KiryeNet at 03:44| Animation | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
